Has a loved one passed away while overseas? Planning such a funeral can be even more stressful. Learn how you can honour your loved one.

Funeral Home Services: Why You Should Consider Cremation

16 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Are you considering cremation? Traditionally, most cultures, especially Christians do not advocate for cremation as a way of decomposing a dead body; they would instead let the body decompose naturally. Over the years, more and more people including Christians are adopting this method of caring for a dead body. The reasons for doing so may differ from one person to another. If this is the first time that you are thinking about cremation, here is some information that may help you make such a decision. Read More …

A Funeral for Someone Who Hasn’t Yet Passed Away

22 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

You've probably heard of the sentiment that funerals are for the living. It's an idea that has been attributed to a few different writers, but is it possible to take the idea too far? The idea of a living funeral, as in, a funeral service for someone who is still alive, isn't exactly new. It was in fact the plot of a 1992 episode of The Golden Girls, although, since this is a sitcom, there was some miscommunication about the fact that the subject of the funeral was still alive and well. Read More …

4 Gift Ideas for Funeral Services

12 February 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are planning the funeral of a loved one, you may be trying to think of ways in which you can include guests in the service. Not everyone who attends a funeral will have the chance to perform a reading or act as a pallbearer. Thankfully, there are some other things you can do which will help to ensure that everyone is involved. One way of making mourners at a funeral feel part of the ceremony is to give them a small gift. Read More …

About Me
Organising a funeral after an overseas death

My mum died last year when she was on holiday. It was a shock to us all because although she was 85 she was a very sprightly and with it lady up until the end. She ended up having a bad fall and hitting her head, and that was that. It was quite a fuss to get the body back to Australia and to organise the funeral. I didn't know where to turn and had trouble finding information online so I thought I'd start a blog. This site has some tips for other people trying to organise a funeral after an overseas death.
