Funeral Home Services: Why You Should Consider Cremation

Has a loved one passed away while overseas? Planning such a funeral can be even more stressful. Learn how you can honour your loved one.

Funeral Home Services: Why You Should Consider Cremation

16 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Are you considering cremation? Traditionally, most cultures, especially Christians do not advocate for cremation as a way of decomposing a dead body; they would instead let the body decompose naturally. Over the years, more and more people including Christians are adopting this method of caring for a dead body. The reasons for doing so may differ from one person to another. If this is the first time that you are thinking about cremation, here is some information that may help you make such a decision.

Simplicity of cremation

Cremation is a simpler process compared to the traditional burial process. For that reason, certain people prefer to be cremated; for instance, celebrities who may want to avoid their families the headache of having to plan a burial with several people wishing to be part of the burial process can prefer direct cremation. What is more, preserving a dead body can be more complicated than cremation, which only requires you to transport the dead body to the crematorium. Therefore, whether it is by the will of the dead or a decision by the family members of the deceased, cremation is the way to go for simplicity lovers.

Cost factors

If you are mindful of the costs of planning a burial for your loved one, then cremation is your best choice. Direct cremation eliminates any kind of services that come with conducting a traditional burial process. Unlike the cremation process, which only requires you to take the dead body to the crematorium, the traditional burial process involves paying the mortician fee and buying a grave space and coffin, as well as the expense of burying the coffin. What is more, the process of cremation lasts for between one and three hours, cutting down on the costs that may arise from accommodating those attending the burial service were it to be the traditional procedure. Why undergo all these costs when you can consider cremation? Think twice.

Religious factors

Most people, particularly the Christians, believed that cremation was a sin against God because it undermined the belief of the resurrection of the body. However, over time, most Christian religions lifted the ban on cremation as long as those performing cremation did not do it as a sign of refusal of the resurrection belief — besides, Christianity advocates for the soul, which does not die, rather than the mortal body. Therefore, if you are a Christian and you are thinking cremation, there is no need to worry; go for it, and professional funeral service providers will guide you all the way.

For more information on funeral home services, contact a local resource.

About Me
Organising a funeral after an overseas death

My mum died last year when she was on holiday. It was a shock to us all because although she was 85 she was a very sprightly and with it lady up until the end. She ended up having a bad fall and hitting her head, and that was that. It was quite a fuss to get the body back to Australia and to organise the funeral. I didn't know where to turn and had trouble finding information online so I thought I'd start a blog. This site has some tips for other people trying to organise a funeral after an overseas death.
